Monday, July 17, 2006

"Summer Down Under"

Film Festival

Continues with

Muriel's Wedding

On Saturday
July 22,
@ 6:30 in the City Council Chamber

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Where do you find out about the books you read?
Library staff
Newspaper bestseller lists
Book stores
Library website
Other websites (Amazon, author sites etc...)
Book clubs
TV and Radio shows
Free polls from

Downloadable Audiobooks have Arrived!

Access our new collection of eAudiobooks and eBooks through the library's website. This collections allows you to read or listen to full text digital versions of popular fiction and non-fiction titles anytime and anywhere you like without ever having to come to the library to check them out.

For more information about this new service visit our website.
Adult Summer Reading Program

June 15 - August 10, 2006

Join us for our Kickoff program with mystery author, Denise Hamilton, on Thursday, June 15th at 7:00 p.m. (see post below) and our Wrap-up Party on Thursday, August 10th at 7p.m. Read as many books as you like between those two dates and enter to win weekly prizes.

Fill out a raffle ticket each week to enter our weekly drawing, enter at the reference desk or e-mail your name, phone number and title of the book you've read to:

Looking for good books to read for the program? Download Audiobooks and eBooks from our website or take a look at our reading lists for recommendations.

If you have any questions about this program, call the reference desk at (949)830-7100 ext.4008. or visit the Adult Summer Reading program website.

eBooks at your eBrary

The library has extended its collection to include electronic versions of our most requested print books. If you see a book with the blue "e" shown above it means the library owns both a print and electronic copy of that book.

Now you can browse these three popular reference books from the comfort of your home:

the Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, Countries and Their Cultures, and Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia.

You can also study for a variety of different tests from the ASVAB to SATs with our Learning Express collection of eTestBooks.

Simply go to the catalogs and databases page on our website and open up the book of your choice.
Join Our Book Club!

Do you like to discover new authors? Do you enjoying discussing the book you’re reading with others? If so, we have the perfect group for you. The Readers Club (sponsored by the Mission Viejo Friends of the Library), meets every month to discuss recent fiction or nonfiction titles selected by the group.

Meetings are held from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. on the 4th Wednesday of the month; most meetings are held in the Saddleback Room in City Hall. Please call Shelley Fels at (949) 581-6414 for more information. No R.S.V.P. is necessary, and all are welcome!

Here are the books still to be discussed in 2006:

7/26 Wolves Eat Dogs by Martin Cruz Smith

8/23 The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman

9/27 The March by E. L. Doctorow

10/25 Caravaggio: Painter of Miracles by Francine Prose

11/15 The Lost Painting by Jonathan Harr